September Tournament Results
Thirty-two people signed up for the tournament. Four people were frightened off by the prospects of bad weather or otherwise couldn’t make it, but the folks who did show up were rewarded with great weather.
This tournament was set up for 4-person teams, one each from flights A, B, C, and D. Flights are based on handicaps. We originally scheduled eight four-person teams and eight teams still teed off. There were a couple of 3-person teams and one 2-person team. But the Planning Committee had planned! We already had a list of players randomly selected from each flight. So two players from flight D and one each from Flights B and C were selected so their scores were each used on two teams.
As it turned out, Team 6 didn’t miss the fellow who didn’t show up. Mark Thompson filled in with a net eagle and a couple of other net birdies leading the team (Mark, Ric Magro, Bill Sciarretta, and Walter Kerr) to first place with a low net of 29—although they didn’t know it until they heard Mark’s scores.
Team 7 (Arthur Daltas, John Demoy, Dave McDonald, and Mark Thompson) finished with net 29 as well. They lost out to Team 6 on the tie-breaker—best score on the highest handicap hole(s). Both teams had Mark’s net eagle on #2, but Team 6 won with a net birdie on hole #1 to Team 7’s net par.
Team 3 (Mike O’Connor, Jeff Garland, Edward Foley, and Mary Snow) took third place with low net 30.
Closest to the pin on #7 was claimed by John Demoy with a distance of 23’2″. Mike Mickelsen took closest to the pin on #9 with a distance of 11’5-1/2″.