A total of 17 2-person teams competed in the September 7, 2023 Net Best Ball Tournament on a hot and humid morning. First place went to Jim Colantropo and Mark Thompson with a net of 28.

Three teams tied at 31. The tie-breaker resulted in David Sameiro and Ted Wilson finishing second, and David Black and Ed Foley finishing third.

Rick Atkins was closest to the pin on #7 at 14′ 4″. And, for the second tournament in a row, Mark Thompson was closest on #9. This time only 5′-6″ away.

The top of the season-long championship race remains pretty much the same, with four people within three points of Rick Atkins’ lead, meaning that any of them could tie or win depending on the finish of next month’s tournament. Of note is that 41 members have scored points this year.

Congratulations to the winners (click here for historical results) and better luck to the rest of us next month!