TSGL handicaps are custom, nine-hole course handicaps based on a minimum of five rounds played with TSGL and generally based on the best 10 of the last 20 rounds played with TSGL. Because they are custom to TSGL, they cannot be used at other courses or with other groups. For details, see TSGL Handicapper.

Having a TSGL handicap is a requirement for entering a TSGL tournament.

The most important factor for establishing a TSGL handicap is that you play from the tees that give you the most enjoyment. If playing from the gold tees means that you are locked into getting pars and bogies and playing from the whites means that you’re struggling for bogies and double bogies, then play from the golds. Similarly if you are internally debating between the whites and blues.

If you are going to play in our tournaments, then you need to play all the time from the same tees, and play from those same tees in the tournaments, so your handicap can fairly represent your play. If you start playing from one set of tees early in the year and change to another, be sure to report that change to the Handicapper.

Two views of League handicaps are shown below. 

TSGL Names and Handicaps

Shows each golfer and his or her current TSGL handicap. The “N” after the value is a reminder that it is a nine-hole handicap. A handicap of “*” indicates that not enough nine-hole rounds have yet been played to establish a TSGL handicap.

You can search for a name by entering it in the “Search” field. You can change the number of visible entries by modifying the number in the “Show entries” field. You can show the next group of entries by clicking on “Previous” or “Next” at the bottom right of the entries. You can sort the entries by handicap by clicking on the arrowheads on the far right of the “Handicap” column.

Member Handicap Cards

Shows the most recent 20 scores for each golfer with the best 10 scores highlighted. For golfers with less than 20 recorded scores, all scores are shown. The highlighted scores are the ones used to calculate a handicap.

Members are listed alphabetically by last name. If scroll arrows are not visible at the bottom of the page, then tap or click at the bottom of the page and scroll arrows should appear. Then tap or click on an arrow to scroll up or down.

TSGL Names and Handicaps through Oct 3, 2024

Allen, Walter6N
Arenburg, Bruce16N
Atkins, Rick6N
Baatz, Eric4N
Barbera, Arthur15N
Barr, Jack17N
Barrow, John13N
Berry, Steve13N
Black, David8N
Blanchet, Gary5N
Breen, John6N
Cameron, Jerry5N
Chang, John B.11N
Colantropo, Jim8N
Compton, Doris8N
Conant, Dick5N
Condon, Bill15N
Daltas, Arthur9N
Driscoll, Bob6N
Dwyer, John7N
Elk, Bill6N
Finkle, Michael12N
Fitzpatrick, Ken13N
Fleiss, Dick11N
Flynn, Jay10N
Foley, Ed10N
Foster, James11N
Gannon, Tom4N
Garland, Jeff 7N
Girard, Bob5N
Guttman, Alvin12N
Han, Ken10N
Healy, Don12N
Heneghan, Debbie20N
Jarvis, Guy9N
Kane, John18N
Keough, Danny10N
Kerr, Walter10N
Kirk, Jim9N
Koepper, Mark6N
Kvaal, Bob7N
Levine, Andy7N
Levy, Steven7N
Lim, Frank10N
Magro, Ric5N
Marrier, Paul5N
McDonald, Dave10N
Mickelsen, Mike7N
Moran, Phil11N
O'Connor, Mike6N
Paine, Ros8N
Pochini, Scott6N
Quinn, Maureen20N
Quinn, Mike15N
Rittenburg, Andrew14N
Rosie, Susan20N
Russo, Steve7N
Sameiro, Dave8N
Savitz, Janice9N
Sciarretta, Bill7N  
Snow, Mary16N
Southwick, Peter4N
Spence, Mike8N
Ste. Marie, Phil12N
Stuart, Doug11N
Thompson, Mark11N
Tobey, Norm15N
Vogler, Gary9N
Wales, Ted11N
Wanderer, Thomas18N
Weiland, Karl9N
Wetherbee, Richard10N
Willey, Dan8N
Wilson, Ted11N
Wiseman, Dan11N
Yee, Peter12N

Member Handicap Cards