Dear Senior Golf League Members,

Volunteers Needed! Talk to Us Please!

You probably noticed that it takes a village to run a golf league. The four of us who compose the Planning Committee do most of this year-round and especially during the summer. It does get to be rather time-consuming, and we like to have some vacation and weekend time.

A few members have helped by doing some tee times request scheduling, some excursions and helping with events. But we could use more volunteers so we can spread the tasks around even more. It’s also a path to joining Planning Committee, if you’d like to consider that. Here are some areas to consider. The biggest current needs are for Handicapping and Scheduling which are taking the most time.

Handicapping:  Mike, with Eric pitching in, keeps these records up to date.  Specialized PC software is used, we will provide it, and it becomes routine with some practice. The scores are entered twice (or at least once) a week and reported to all members monthly before the tournaments as well as being posted on the league website.

Scheduling: All the committee members have been helping with tee time request scheduling this year. Andy did it entirely the previous two years. We have a couple volunteers, but we need more people to sign-up for the 2-week stints to cover the March through October timeframe next year. Andy has simplified and routinized the process although it takes a little training at first and involves spreadsheet and email disciplines and access to the league email account.

Events: These include the pre-tournament pastries and the occasional post-tournament light lunch and the year-end banquet. Already had help from 4 members and will tap others so not an immediate need here but could use a regular coordinator.

Excursions: Three people are already helping Arthur with this and with one or two more it can be easily coordinated by one person. A spreadsheet is used to keep track of courses and email addresses but no big data issues. It mostly involves looking ahead to weather, calling courses and sending emails to the list that is different from general members. We need to schedule the organizers ahead.

Website Maintenance: This falls mostly on Eric. Maintaining what we currently have and posting news items and updating information on a weekly basis requires just a familiarity with browsers and a little training in a web tool called WordPress   If you are interested in adding new functionality, then some programming background is necessary. In any case, please speak up

Treasury: Not a big current need but could use help with collecting member and tournament fees and recording these (spreadsheet).

Please respond via email at and/or talk to one of us about your interests and questions.


Arthur Daltas: Chair, Town & Course Liaison, Excursions, Events, Treasurer

Eric Baatz: Rules, Webmaster, Asst. Handicapping

Mike Mickelsen: Handicapping, Communications, Asst. Treasurer

Andy Rittenburg: Daily Scheduling